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"Doulas are a Resource...
Not a Source"

As Birth Workers, one of our primary responsibilities is to ensure that our clients have accurate, evidence-based information and answers to their questions. This can be challenging with "Dr. Google" on call 24/7 (and we all know that TV/Movies "ALWAYS" depict birth accurately)...


Our clients are relying on us to "link" them to the info they may not have access to or even know how to find! Here are my go-to sites and sources I use to help facilitate my client's independent research while making sure the information they are getting is practical and reliable.


This is NOT a complete list! Do you have or know of a resource you think should be on the list? Send me an email and I'll make sure it gets added!

Founded by Rebecca Dekker PhD "Evidence Based Birth is an online childbirth resource that informs, empowers and inspires expecting parents and birth-care practitioners globally, to understand the latest, proven, evidence-based care practices"... "We envision a world in which all birthing families have access to safe, respectful, evidence-based, and empowering care." 


-EBB website About section

4 pregnant women sit on birth balls during a childbirth education class

"The International Cesarean Awareness Network is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve maternal-child health by reducing preventable cesareans through education, supporting cesarean recovery, and advocating for vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)."


- The ICAN Mission Statement

The bare belly and cesarean scra of a white woman holding a diapered newborn

"The purpose of the organization is to increase awareness among public and professional communities about the emotional changes that women experience during pregnancy and postpartum."


- PSI website About page

Three women stand in black underwear holding their diapered one year old babies

"Support & Guidance For Families Who Have Fallen Victim to Medical Negligence.... When nurses and doctors make mistakes, it is the family who lives with the permanent consequences; which is why now, more than ever, parents are expected to become advocates for their children. Birth Injury Center wants to provide all possible means of support throughout the process, from discovery to healing and acceptance.


- Birth Injury Centre About Page


ACOG | American College of Obstetrics & Gynecoloy

Founded in 1951, ACOG is the premier professional membership organization for obstetrician–gynecologists. The College produces practice guidelines for health care professionals and educational materials for patients, provides practice management and career support, facilitates programs and initiatives to improve women’s health, and advocates for members and patients.


- ACOG About Page

A black OBGYN takes a pregnant womans blood pressure

“In teaching Calm Birth meditation . . . I noticed that my students were able to renew their inner strength and handle stress throughout pregnancy, labor, birth, and early parenting. No matter what medical interventions or stresses may have occurred for the baby they appeared to be more calm and less stressed as well.”


- Sandra Bardsley, RN, LCCE, FACCE, CM
President, Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health
author, Creating a Joyful Birth Experience

A pregnant Black woman craddles her belly sitting on the floor cross legged

Website, Facebook page, breastfeeding, and parenting support groups "developed to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting." "The KellyMom community includes both this website and our social media outlets (Facebook page and groups, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.)."


- KellyMom website About page 

A mother smiles at her newborn baby as she cradles him on her bed

"La Leche League International is a worldwide educational, non–sectarian, not-for-profit, volunteer-based organization. We provide breastfeeding information and support to those who want to breastfeed their infants."


- LLL About - Philosophy Page

A new mother breastfeeds her newborn baby on her bed

The Cochrane Library (ISSN 1465-1858) is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library is owned by Cochrane and published by Wiley


The Cochrane Library is available as a Spanish language versionMore information on translations.


- Cochrane Library About Page


The SOGC produces Clinical Practice Guidelines for both public and medical education, which are published in the acclaimed Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada (JOGC). The Society is also a Continuing Professional Development provider for physicians and health care providers in Canada and offers a comprehensive suite of Continuing Medical Education events, including an Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference (ACSC), three regional conferences, online courses and the popular Advances in Labour and Risk Management (ALARM) program.


- SOGC About Page

An Obstetrician gives a pregnant woman an ultrasound

Recommended Reading List

I have compiled a list of practical, evidence-based books for pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period that I have found to be the most useful in my practice and experience!


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